This is package provides a technical backbone for tidy metadata approach to work with social surveys in R
For detailed examples, see:
Contributions are very welcome. You can, for instance:
Kindly cite this work as follows:
# #
# # Kindly cite the tidymetadata R package as follows:
# #
# #
# # Markus Kainu (2017). tidymetadata: Functions to Generate Tidy
# # Metadata from SPSS, Stata and SAS binary data files. R package
# # version 0.2.0.
# #
# # A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
# #
# # @Manual{,
# # title = {tidymetadata: Functions to Generate Tidy Metadata from SPSS, Stata and SAS binary data files},
# # author = {Markus Kainu},
# # year = {2017},
# # note = {R package version 0.2.0},
# # }